The ingredients used to make 20 litres were:
- 100g (roughly - should weigh this next time) of whole barley, which we roasted at 200 degrees C, for 45 minutes. Making sure it didn't burn or discolour as we wanted to retain a lighter coloured beer. Also moving it every ten minutes.
- 8 litres (in the first instance) of tap water (NI) - I believe this is considered 'soft'
- Saaz hops 25 g
- Malt extracts: Cooper's Light Malt and Wheat Malt (3 kg in total)
- A cup (?) of Wheat Malt
- A cup (?) of carapils
- Oven and oven tray
- PET 5 gallon (22 L) carboy (food grade)
- 19 Litre stainless steel pot
- Temperature probe
- Muslin cloth
- Syphon tubing
- Hydrometer
- Ladle for stirring
- Cork and airlock
- Sanitizor: zaflora (Benzalkonium Chloride based) applied and readily washed in tap water
- Sterilize equipment: carboy, pot, probe, hydrometer, stirrer, airlock and cork.
- Roast the Barley. Kept stirring.
- Bring water (8 L) to 65 degrees C (149 F) - took 15 minutes.
- Add Barley in muslin cloth to water and keep at 65 degrees C for 30 mins.
- Remove barley and replace with hops (25 g) in muslin. The water took a pale yellow colour after barley addition
- Bring to boil and kept for 25 minutes. After hop addition the water turned an amber colour.
barley water + hops |
- Added the malt extract and carapils/wheat malt in muslin and boiled for 15 minutes.
- Removed muslin and removed from heat and reduced to RT (20 degrees C). This took three washes in the sink. Here it tasted: malty, sweet, bitter but was a nice enough flavour. Bit had come out of the muslin cloth.
- Syphoned all - including bits - into carboy.
- Brought to around 20 L with cold tap water but kept it at RT.
- Recon yeast (100g) (Safbrew WB-06) in cold tap water 100 ml but kept near radiator heat source. Stirred after 30 minutes and kept for a total of one hour. Gives >10_6 viable cells/ml.
- Stirred/shook to mix and took hydrometer reading, which was OG: 1.080 (very high, maybe because it wasn't stirred adequately?
- Pitch yeast.
what it looked like at the end. |
- Close up and put in a room kept at around 20 degrees C (+/- 4 degrees C).
- Observe daily and take OG readings every week.
- Sterilize: wasn't sure zaflora was good - left a perfumed smell. But was well diluted.
- Stirrer: Need to buy a proper stirrer.
- Timing: Need to keep at the required timing, let timing slip. Times might be out by ten minutes. It took in total 4 hours, but could be reduced to 3.
- Temperature: Keep a better eye on exact temperature.
- Measuring: Forgot to accurately measure all ingredients.
- Muslin: Some bits got out. Not bad though.
- Yeast: forgot to recon yeast, but was ok. Should begin recon. 1 hour before pitching. Once the malt extract was added.
- Needed: stirrer, funnel?, better sterilizer,
Will keep an eye over the next three weeks prior to bottling. I will update with pictures and details as it progresses.
This is what it looked like at 24 hours post yeast pitching: lots of activity, sediment had settled, 1-2 bubbles per minute, scum formed on top, floculant turbidity.
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